Family Reading Program

NNLC offers a Family Reading Program (FRP) with monthly and event-based family literacy sessions for parents and their children. This program takes a holistic approach to literacy in the home by teaching parents literacy skills shared with their children with take-home books and comprehension activities for the home. Many low-income families are seeking support with the local education system and the skills needed to understand the K-12 classroom and how to communicate with their child’s teacher. The FRP bridges this gap of understanding between the school system and the home with sessions led by the FRP Coordinator. Parents interested in this program complete a literacy assessment to determine their educational functioning level to better gauge their need.

Books and materials are provided to FRP participants at no cost helping parents building home libraries.

Want to help your child learn to read? Check out the Home Reading Helper website:

Home Reading Helper is a resource for parents to elevate children’s reading at home provided by Read Charlotte.

Upcoming Events

Watch these 2-minute videos to learn techniques to build children’s literacy:

To learn more about the FRP or to book a free session for your organization’s families, contact the Northern Nevada Literacy Council at 775-356-1007. We wish to thank Governor Lombardo’s Early Childhood Literacy Innovative Program (ECLIP) through the Nevada Department of Education for their support. We also want to thank the Pennington Foundation and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation, Washoe County School District, Community Service Agency Head Start, and the Nevada Reservation Head Start Programs for their support.