NNLC YouthBuild Program

Northern Nevada Literacy Council was awarded Nevada’s only YouthBuild Program.

This program will provide youth ages 16-24 with the opportunity to achieve a high school equivalency certification, and complete the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) certification, at the same time.

The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) is a comprehensive pre-apprenticeship training curriculum. It was developed and approved by the Building Trades National Apprenticeship and Training Committee in 2008. In 2012, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded the Building Trades and the MC3 the Department’s Registered Apprenticeship Innovator and Trailblazer Award at its 75th Anniversary celebration.

Once the youth achieves their High School Equivalency and the MC3 Certification, NNLC will assist them with employment through the Northern Nevada Operating Engineers with over 3000 jobs and apprenticeships opportunities.

Contact Victoria Rios for more information at 775-356-1007 or by email at victoriar@nnlc.org.